Biographic Notes
I have 17 years of full-time, deadline editing, and reporting experience with newspapers. I also have grant project writing and communications experience that overlapped small family farm business operation. I authored, managed, and reported three USDA SBIR, two SARE, and two Frontera Farmer Foundation grant project awards to our farm. I’ve taught part time at 2- and 4-year colleges, most recently UW Platteville (2018-2019). I developed and operated a certified organic fresh produce and value-added livestock farm with wife Dela and family, starting in 1994. We participated in NRCS, organic certification, and Wisconsin Farmers Union programs. I have 24 years’ of direct market and small business experience. I’ve also completed 7 volunteer and work assignments in Africa and one in Haiti. Excellent health. French fluency. I am presently in my second year writing and editing full time for the Regulatory Analysis and Development section of the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Selected Articles by Publication Categories
A sampling of writings from 1985 to the present
Agricultural and Environmental Writings
"Organic Broadcaster" (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service's print and on-line periodical with 16,000 readers) See page 9 in each of the following issues: (July-August 2019)
(May-June 2019)
“The Milkweed” (regional alternative dairy publication)
Huge Wisconsin CAFO Manure Spill Case Settled for Only $80,000 (Synopsis June 2019 – Issue No. 479, p. 6-7; email for PDF copy)
General Circulation Newspaper Writings
Madison's Wisconsin State Journal daily newspaper (44,000 circulation)
Brodhead Independent-Register weekly newspaper (6,000 to 8,000 readers, blanket mailings and subscriptions)
African Columns
Staff and colleagues in the congo (2014-2015) Food for Educatiion project
2015-09-30-Africa Peace Corps Anniversary
2017-11-8-Africa Anniversaries
2017-11-29-Africa global solutions
2017-12-06-Africa street priorities
2018-04-04-Africa serves up school lunch
2018-01-10-Africa looks to the sun
2018-01-03-Africa cattle drive
News Accounts and Features
2015-12-02-Families surmount homelessness
2019-03-20-Wind farm siting law
2020-01-15-Ethics Commission Clears Official
Janesville Gazette daily paper (21,000 circulation in the 1990s)
Land.use struggle looming.1997
Asheville Citizen-Times regional daily in W. North Carolina
Preserving farming in Henderson County 1991
Times-News daily paper in Hendersonville, N.C. (15,000 circulation)
Business profile of a modern-day chimney sweep.1990
Sun News daily newspaper in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (19,800 circulation)
Dramatic reunion of a Vietnamese family.1985