for health and wholeness
Owned and operated by Tony and Dela Ends, Scotch Hill Farm is a certified organic family farm, subscription garden, and farmstead soap-making business. Our mission is to:
Grow wholesome, quality, organic food without pesticides or herbicides;
Care for livestock with humane, ethical and integrated practices;
Enhance soil fertility and maintain water quality;
Make value-added agricultural products such as soap from milk by as natural means possible;
Help family farmers find profit in stewardship and ecological practices;
Train students and other small farm families in organic agriculture, marketing and animal husbandry;
Maintain high, ethical standards and business
practices and promote Community Supported Agriculture.
We work to achieve these goals as a family business, grant project participant and member of collaborative organizations in our region. The farm has operated since 1994 and serves communities in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. We are members of the Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, and the Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training.
We are certified organic by Nature's International Certification Services.
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant program
Increasing Rural Sustainability and Impact of Farmstead Soap Production (Abstracts for Phase I and II grant projects, 2003 and 2003; email for MS Word or PDF copy of 40-page reports)
Identifying Marketing Strategies for a Farmstead Cooperative to Increase Goat Milk Soap and Skin Care Product Sales to Targeted Markets (Abstract for Phase I grant project, 2006; email for MS Word or PDF copy of 29-page report)
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant program
Developing Round Bale Systems to Mulch Vegetable Transplants with Switch Grass (2012)
Comparing Prairie Grass – Small Grain Straw for Mulching Vegetable Crops (2011)